fuel line cleaned
transmission fluid changed
serpentine belt replacement
head light bulb replacement
right front ball joint replaced
front brake lines replaced
and a tire rotation
does anyone know how much all this shud cost? if not can u tell me how much at least some of it will cost? which stuff is most urgent and shud be done first?
HUGE car repairs needed. what'll it cost?
None of that is HUGE. Most is probably not necessary.
Fuel lines have gasoline running through them at all times. That will keep them clean.
On a '97, if regular transmission fluid changes have not been done it is best to leave it alone.
Serpentine belt will cost around 30 bucks, 25 or so to install.
Headlight bulb is around 10 bucks, add 10 more to put it in.
Ball joint, brake lines (flex hoses) and rotation would cost around 200 bucks in my shop.
So 275 or less should do it.
Ball joint, brake hoses, and headlight are a safety issues, the rest can wait (or isn't even needed).
HUGE car repairs needed. what'll it cost?
wel first if you was told you needed it shoul dhave been told how much it cost was or ask
fuel lines can clean somewhat with a bottle of fuel treatment once a couple months about 5 bucks
unlikey need anything with a transmission mine has over 300,000 miles never been touch
should replace belts and or hose about every three yrs price vary can call three shops get about price
head light anyone can replace at home just cal a parts store ask how much
ball joint about 50 bucks and up to buy 100 or some to install if you dont know how to do it
tires shoul dbe rotated at every oil change about every 3000 to 5000 miles
20 bucks maybe
brake lines hardly ever go bad should last 20 yrs
but price vary can call three local shops to get most of your answers id guess and say for all that well over a 1000 bucks
right front ball joint replaced breaks cant steer you crash
front brake lines replaced cant stop you crash
head light bulb replacement might get a ticket
serpentine belt replacement no belt no power cant steer or stop well lose power to battery car over heats
a tire rotation just saves the life of tires can wait really if your goung to have to fix frontend you might need tires
and last would be a transmison fluid change which is not really something that has to be done at all should be fine for over 100,000 miles if you drive it right
transmission fluid changed
that's not huge...that's standard maintenance.........
change the fuel filter and dont worry about the line.....part is under $20 and u can do it in under and hour usrelf....
transfluid will cost u about $70 at a shop or u can do it for 40
belt will cost u about 25 for part and can b changed in 20 min....
bulbs cost about 10 each and can b changed in under 10 min......(dont touch the bulb itself)
ball joint part around 50 and shop will cahrge u another 50 -100 to put on....
brake hoses are 20 each and actual lines are 15 bucks but u will need a shop to put them on if u dont no wat ur doing and will cost 500 or so if actual lines are bad.....
tire rotation is 20 bucks at walmart.....rotate and balance (which i wud suggest) is only 30
so get these MINOR problems fixed and move on.........all this stuff is normal maintenance issues that wudn't need to b done all at once if u did proper maintenance on ur car.....
Fuel line cleaned? Never heard of that...they are metal lines and rubber hoses...what is there to clean?
As long as they are not leaking, they're good...
As for the parts and labour, ask the shop/mechanic that told you that you need this stuff done. They can draw up a quote for you in writing. If you want a second opinion, take that list to another shop.
What should be done first?
Brake lines, serpentine belt replaced, ball joint replaced.
belt replaced
ball joint
brake lines
and a second opinion
pushin' 6 - $700. almost all labor. take it somewhere else to get looked at and I bet that list gets cut in half.
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